Planning to “Cruise For a Cause” Again

There will be an opportunity this Friday night to safely get out of the house, have some fun, and help out in the “Project Salina” effort.

Rocking M Media partnered with Bennington State Bank  is going to be back in action, hosting another cruising event on Santa Fe. It will be a flashback to a by gone era in Salina with hundreds of vehicles cruising Santa Fe.

The cruise route will loop from Rod’s Convenience Store at 1401 S. Santa Fe, to the Sonic Drive In at 310 S. Santa Fe. Rocking M Media staff will be in the parking lot of the Salina Innovation Foundation collecting cash and non perishables for Project Salina.

Every year during the month of May, Project Salina collects food for distribution to five agencies that help needy families in Salina.  Each participating Salina business collects one of the designated food items. The food is then distributed through these Salina agencies:

  • Ashby House
  • Salvation Army
  • Emergency Aid/Food Bank
  • Salina Rescue Mission
  • Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas

There are plenty of donations around the holidays- but by May, the shelves start to get bare.

Right now, donations to the Project Salina effort are way down. They sit at about 25% of what normally would be collected.

The cruise Friday night is scheduled fro 7 till 9. A similar event at the end of March was a big success.  Those participating donated enough food to the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank to fill a box truck, 50 boxes of surgical gloves, and about $500.

Salina business Mahaska has already pledged a donation for thee vent this Friday night. They will be donating 432 bottles of TYR. It’s a sports drink. They’ll be donating 18 cases in total, six of each of the three flavors they offer.