A female inmate waiting transport to the Kansas Department of Corrections has tested positive for COVID-19.
This woman is asymptomatic and had been housed in general population since early June. The Sheriff’s Office is working with the Saline County Health Department and Kansas Department of Health and Environment in this matter.
Until further notice the jail is suspending fingerprinting and outside activities involving traffic into the jail.
Video visitation is still available from home – https://securustech.net/video-products/video-visitation/index.html If you have questions about video visitation, please contact Securus customer service at 1-800-844-6591.
Deposits can be made to an inmates account on-line – https://www.accesscorrections.com/#/ If you have questions concerning making a deposit on an inmate account please contact 1-866-345-1884.
Arrangements for bonding will be by appointment only by calling the Jail. (785) 826-6503.