The Streetscape and Waterline work proposed for this week has been modified due to weather such that the intersection of Walnut and Santa Fe on the west side has been reduced to one lane westbound. This configuration is shown on the attached maps and the work is further described as follows.
- Traffic control will continue to allow north bound one-way traffic in the block from Mulberry to Walnut. Southbound traffic will continue to be detoured west on Walnut, south on Seventh Street for 2 blocks to South Street, and back to Santa Fe Avenue (sheet 2);
- Contractor will begin removals of curb, sidewalk and street pavement and parking areas on the south side of Walnut west of Santa Fe to the alleyway to facilitate installation of a new water main. Temporary walkways and signage will be installed and coordinated with business owners to maintain access to doors;
- The Walnut Street / Santa Fe Avenue intersection is now open on the east side for both westbound and eastbound traffic. (sheet 3);
- Water service lines for businesses in the block between Mulberry and Walnut are nearly complete such that street pavement, curbs, sidewalk and parking areas will begin being replaced this week.
The attached maps also show the parking areas, vehicle access lanes, and pedestrian paths for visitors and customers to navigate around the area. Pedestrian access to all storefronts is still available even though the Santa Fe Avenue street parking is disrupted. Plenty of downtown parking exists in the public parking lots and along Fifth Street and Seventh Street.