Rallying to Combat a Growing Epidemic

An event Friday served as a visual reminder of startling local addiction numbers. Central Kansas Foundation (CKF) staff, in recognition of Overdose Awareness Month, collaborated  with the Saline County Health Department to bring awareness to what’s becoming a local epidemic.

CKF Manager of Outreach and Engagement Chelsey Eberwein told KSAL News Salina, and Saline County, have some of the largest numbers of overdoses, and overdose deaths in the state. In 2023 alone, Saline County reported 163 overdose-related emergency department visits. Saline County has been identified as one of the highest-risk areas for overdose mortality in Kansas, with 61 lives lost to fatal overdoses between 2018 and 2023.


Eberwein said things are being done to help combat the problem.


Eberwein said new legislation in Kansas which recently became law, the”911 Good Samaritan Law”, may make an impact.


According to Eberwein, there are things we can all do do help be part of the solution.


CKF Chief Operating Officer Jessica Eckels told KSAL News support, from local agencies and the community, is key.


The event Friday featured 163 purple balloons, to symbolizing the emergency department visits, along with 61 black balloons to honor the lives lost to overdose in Saline County.