th deadline. Any of those 40 who attend the meeting will have up to one minute to give a speech stating their qualifications and why they should be selected. Among those hoping to go to Cleveland are Salinans Tom Arpke, State Senator; J. R. Claeys, State Representative; Randy Duncan, former Saline County Commissioner and former Salina Mayor Samantha Angell. Gypsum resident Joe Winship is also on the ballot. Regardless of who wins the delegate spots, two of the delegates will be pledged to Ted Cruz and one to Donald Trump. The top vote getter will get his or her choice of who to support between Cruz and Trump. Whoever finishes third will be bound to whoever is left between Cruz and Trump. Those not picked on Saturday will have one more chance when the Kansas Republican Party State Committee meets in mid-May. At that meeting seven more of the nominees from the First District will be chosen. Kansas has a total of 40 delegates who will be going to the National Convention.]]>