Retired Archeologist to Lead Discussion on Kansas Tribes

The search for past people groups in North America – will make a stop in Salina at the Smoky Hill Museum on Thursday.

Dr. Bob Blasing is a retired archeologist and will be presenting a First Thursday program, “Prehistoric Trails & Travel.”

Blasing tells KSAL News that one of the new tools in discovering living patterns of native Americans is tied to laser technology.


Lidar, stands for Light Detection and Ranging, and uses a pulsed laser to measure things on the ground.

Blasing will discuss the archeological methods he utilizes, as well as what he’s learned from the trails about the people who used them and why they were used.

Dr. Blasing is a prolific author, a retired archeologist for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and has served, and is serving on various anthropological and archeological boards.

Prehistoric Trails & Travel, a First Thursday Program
The Smoky Hill Museum is hosting this free presentation, Thursday, August 1, 5:30-6:30 pm. or via Zoom.