Student, civic, church and youth groups are encouraged to apply to host a Game Street fundraising activity at River Festival 2020, scheduled for next June, 11-14.
Organizations host a simple pay-to-play game, retaining all earned revenues for their charitable use. Typical net revenue over the three days in which Artyopolis and Game Street operate, on Festival Friday through Sunday, is $500 to $800.
Interested organizations do not need to have exempt charitable status, but must use all earned Game Street monies for a charitable project. Host groups may originate their own game, charging .50 per play, or may draw upon the ideas and resources available through the River Festival.
Also, area adults and youth ages 13 and up are invited to apply for openings on various River Festival 2020 committees and work groups. Individuals who enjoy teaching crafts and activities, managing others, or assisting out-of-town guests, including artists and vendors, are encouraged to apply.
Most River Festival volunteers serve two or three-hour shifts, typically working outdoors in the shade. Individuals, families, church groups, sororities or fraternities, sports teams, clubs, and employee teams are invited to apply. Volunteers must be 13 or older and are required to purchase and wear a River Festival admission wristband when they volunteer. A wristband is required to attend or volunteer at the River Festival.
For more details, visit or contact Salina Arts & Humanities at 785-309-5770 or [email protected]. Organizations interested in the Game Street fundraising opportunity should apply by Monday, March 9. Volunteers should apply by Monday, April 6, 2020.