Running is Fun with Big Brothers / Sisters

The fall/winter season is approaching and Big Brothers and Big Sisters is preparing for their 14th annual Frosty Fun Run.

On Saturday November 23rd, the family-friendly event marks the beginning of Salina Downtown’s holiday season while supporting essential youth mentoring programs. The event will feature:

  • Frosty 5 Mile Run
  • Frosty 5K Run/Walk
  • Merry Mile
  • Kid’s Santa Sprint

These features raise funds for the non-profit organization that will be used towards one-to-one mentoring relationships to local children facing adversity.

There is an ongoing need for volunteer mentors as there are currently around 75 youth on the wait list.

The festivities will kick off at 9:00 AM at the City Lights Stage, located at the corner of Santa Fe and Ash, with Shane McClintock from 99KG joining Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina in starting the event. The Santa Sprint will follow around 10:00 AM. For registration and more details visit