It was little warmer, and a lot drier than normal in 2023 in Salina.
According to the National Weather Service, 6 weather records in Salina in 2023 included:
- 4 record daily high temperatures
- 1 record daily low temperature
- 1 record daily precipitation
The hottest day in Salina was August 19th, when it hit a high temperature of 113 degrees. The coldest day was February 1st, when the temperature fell to 6 degrees.
The wettest day of the year was June 30th, when 1.52 inches of rain fell. Overall, Salina received 23.35 total inches of precipitation over the year, which is 6.34 inches below normal.
Probabilities favor below average temperatures and above average precipitation in the first month of the new year across Kansas. A Strong El Niño is ongoing, and expected to persist through spring of 2024. El Niño can tend to slightly favor warmer and wetter winters, and cooler and wetter springs across Kansas.