Salina Police 2018 Award Winners

The 1st Annual Salina Police Department Awards Banquet was held on November 3rd, at the Hilton Garden Inn. Four outstanding employees were recognized for their service to our community.

The Civilian Employee, Officer, and Supervisor of the Year Awards were announced. The department actually had a “tie vote”, and two officers were selected as Officers of the Year.

The department is blessed with excellent employees across the board, who strive to provide the services our community deserves. The award winners were selected by their peers and the employees of the department for their superior performance and their daily contributions to the organization and the citizens of our city.

The employees, their awards and their short biographies are below.

Civilian Employee of the Year:

Jason Craft. Jason Craft, Information Technology. Jason has been with the City of Salina a little over a year. His primary focus is to support both the Police and Fire Departments with all of the
technology needs both departments require to maintain and safe and secure Salina.

Officers of the Year:

Michael “Austin” Baker K-9 Patrol Officer. Austin has been with the Saline Police Department for 5 years. Ofc Baker is currently with the K-9 unit and has been with his K-9 partner Karma for
nearly 2 years. Ofc Baker is also a member of the SWAT team and currently works 2nd shift Patrol.

Jeff Vaughan Criminal Investigations Detective. Detective Vaughan has been with the Salina Police Department for 11 years. He has worked as a patrol officer, K9 officer, and a field training officer. He is also a member of the SWAT Team and was assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division as a Detective in March of this year.

Supervisor of the Year:

Bill Cox Patrol Division Commander. Captain Bill Cox has been employed at the Salina Police
Department for over 29 years. During his career he has been a Patrol Officer, Investigator,
Canine Handler, Drug Investigator, Master Police Officer, Field Training Officer, Patrol Lieutenant
(3rd Shift), Drug Task Force Commander, and Captain of Patrol.


Chief Brad Nelson (center), with Captain Cox (left) and K-9 Officer Baker.

Detective Vaughan (left) with Jason Craft