One Salina organization is going to continue to feed those who are most in need, and are actually expanding their efforts.
The Salina Salvation Army says they will continue to offer meals to those needing assistance, and Saturday meals will now be included.
According to the organization, meals will be handed out at the South door of The Salvation Army, 1137 N. Santa Fe. Breakfast 8:15 to 9:15 am, Lunch 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, and
Supper 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
The Salvation Army will continue providing meals at this schedule as needed.
The Salvation Army office will be open only for scheduled appointments. Those needing assistance may call the office at 823-2251. Those with scheduled appointments may come to the south entrance and you will be met there by staff.
Showers for homeless people will be provided 8:30 am till noon, one person at a time in the building.