A nice crowd gathered for a question and answer session in Salina with Senator Jerry Moran Thursday afternoon.
Moran began by giving a brief update on what’s currently happening in Washington, and talking about how the tone of his town halls have changed. In years past the events were dominated by local citizens and groups showing up with local concerns. Now, they are dominated by concerns of “where our country is headed.” He says that he hears frustrations about how the Obama administration is getting things done, and frustrations about how the Republican Congress is not able to keep it from happening.
Moran then took questions. Questions ranged from topics that included everything from veteran’s issues, to education to gun rights.
The Senator was asked by the investigation into high blood levels into over 30 children in Saline County. He said that he is familiar with the case, but right now it is a local and state issue. He has reached out to the Environmental Protection Agency, which indicated that it is so far satisfied with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s response.
The Salina town hall meeting was a part of Moran’s “Kansas Listening Tour”.