SFD’s Tribute Plaza Underway

Crews were pouring and finishing concrete Tuesday morning at Salina Fire Station Number 1 on a Tribute Plaza that has been in the works for months.

“It’s great to see it coming together,” said Fire Inspector Jeff Daily as he looked on, documenting the progress with his camera.

Once completed the circular design will feature a life-sized bronze sculpture of a Salina Firefighter at the center with flags flying high behind.

According to Fire Chief Kevin Royse, the sculpture by Artist Benjamin Victor should be unveiled at the northeast corner of 7th Street and Ash in September of 2018.

Firefighters, businesses and citizens have made private contributions to the project by purchasing brick pavers that will be used in the design, reflecting SFD’s shield on a walking path around the sculpture.

The monument will also include the names of two Salina Firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty; SFD Fire Chief Fred Brodbeck in 1912 and Firefighter Ray Craig who died in 1932.













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