Smoky Hills Public Television’s summer reading program, Share a Story, visited 71 communities across central and western Kansas this past June and July. There were 1650 children and 625 adults that attended the 71 presentations held in partnership with the local libraries.
During the Share a Story presentation, children watched a clip from a PBS Kids Program, listened as the presenter read a story and participated in an activity. The Smoky Hills Public Television presenters Carrie Weese, Jennifer Hanson, Jessica Bowman, and Danica Uhl used the Cat in The Hat show and books to tie into this year’s theme of “Space”.
“We love the Share a Story summer program,” said Kelli King, Smoky Hills Public Television’s Director of Finance and Administration. “To be able to put 1551 books in children’s hands throughout the summer months is something we are very proud of. We at Smoky Hills Public Television take pride in the educational tools we bring to the communities of central and western Kansas!”
Share a Story is part of Smoky Hills’ education initiative. The Share a Story program is based on the PBS learning triangle of TV that teaches (watch it) + story books (read it) + activities (do it). At the end of the presentation, each child attending received a book to take home.
Simple, fun daily activities like reading aloud, story telling, rhyming, singing, exercise, drawing and acting, teach young children language and literacy skills – and that’s what Smoky Hills Public Television’s Share A Story is all about.