A social media post making its way around Facebook caught the attention of people across the country Wednesday, including in Salina. The post threatened a school shooting, citing “SHS.”
Because it was so vague multiple school districts and schools that start with the letter “s”, including Salina USD 305 and Salina South High School, fielded concerns and questions from parents.
Law enforcement determined the the “SHS” is a school in Springfield, Ohio.
Salina USD 305 notified parents Wednesday night of the situation. The district sent out the following message:
“A threatening message on social media was brought to the district’s attention and created concern. At this time, unsubstantiated and threatening messages are circulating across the nation. Regardless, Salina USD 305 takes all threats seriously and continues working with law enforcement. Investigation of the concern has determined that it is not specific to Salina South High School. School will be in session on Thursday, February 22.
Thank you.”