A development company is requesting an extension on a Salina housing project.
The South View Estates Ryan Addition Housing Development requested an extension from the Salina City Commission on the completion of homes in the areas of S. Ohio and E. Schilling. A developer asked to extend the deadline of finalized homes to be set on the second or third quarter of 2026. Initially, a completion date was set for February 14, 2026.
On February 24, 2025 the City received a letter from South View requesting an amendment to their RHID Development Agreement (a contract between the developer and the city to assist in the financing of public infrastructure improvements). The amendment from the developer cited the housing market as the reason for needing the amendment. This would allow South View to have “market flexibility,” which assists them in adapting to changes in economic conditions, including shifts in demand and supply.
According the City, the developer identified slower than anticipated home sales throughout the development. The developer thinks an extended completion date to the end of 2026, would allow South View to maintain market flexibility and finish work on each home as the market indicates.
Mayor Greg Lenkiewicz, commented on why he thinks it is a reasonable decision to allow for an extension.
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Interim City Manager Jacob Wood stated if the deadline is not met, then the city would collect property taxes that would go towards general funding.
The deadline was set for December 31, 2026.