The Saline County Health Department continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation at the national, state and local level. The Health Department and our community partners have been working together for many years on policies and plans for such an event and we are adapting together to new information about this virus as it becomes available.
As of today, March 13th, 2020, Saline County has not and any positive cases of COVID-19. If this changes, notifications will be made to the community and the media as information becomes available.
Using guidance from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, there is strong encouragement to event organizers of any events that are planning for more than 100 people to prepare appropriate emergency plans, promote the daily practices of everyday preventative actions, and promote messages that discourage people who are sick from attending events.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has established a website to provide helpful resources for families, healthcare facilities, child care, businesses, and several others that provide information and appropriate guidance. Please visit their website:
Saline County will be posting regular updates to our social media sites as information is updated.
We do ask individuals to help combat the spread of flu and COVID-19 by taking the following actions:
• Stay at home if you are ill.
• Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds or more. Use hand sanitizer if you are unable to wash your hands.
• If you have to sneeze or cough, do so into your elbow to protect those around you.
• Ensure you are receiving information from official sources such as the Saline County Health Department, Saline County, Kansas Department of Health & Environment, and the Centers for Disease Control.
• If you suspect that you have the symptoms of COVID-19, contact your health care provider or the emergency room before arriving to those facilities.
For additional information, or questions please contact the Saline County Health Department at 826-6600 or the KDHE Hotline Number at 866-534-3463.