Students Trick-Or-Treat-So-Kids-Can-Eat

A group of students from Salina South High School got an early jump on Halloween Tuesday evening. Students, friends, and family from the school’s drama department were out in costume, going door-to-door volunteering to  “trick-or-treat-so-kids-can-eat”.

The students gathered at the school, and then spread out through town. They went door-to-door, not collecting candy, but rather non-perishable food items. Monetary donations were also  accepted.

Everything collected will be donated to the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank.

Along with collecting food, those participating will have a little fun. Those in costumes were judged for best group, most original, cutest, and funniest.

According to the group’s social media, approximately 875 lbs of food was collected. The will continue to take any contributions through the rest of the week.




(photos from Salina South Drama Department)