They stand bigger than life on many small town water towers or grace the Welcome Sign near the edge of town – sports mascots are part of the history of many Kansas communities.
“There’s over 60 high schools in the state of Kansas that have a unique mascot, and I deem unique being the only one in the state to use it,” said Jordan Poland, Director of the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame of Wichita.
Poland will be in Salina on Thursday, March 3rd and joined in on the KSAL Morning News Tuesday with a preview of his presentation, “The Common and Quirky Mascots of Kansas.”
“For the state of Kansas you’ve got to start at the University of Kansas,” Poland said.
“The Jayhawk is the only one in the nation and that has a specific meaning to Kansans and our history. Dating back to the Civil War day when the Jayhawkers were known as defenders of freedom.”
Mr. Poland’s presentation, “The Common and Quirky Mascots of Kansas” is this Thursday at the Smoky Hill Museum at 5:30pm and is free and open to the public.