Everyone’s favorite game show is on its way to Salina.”The Price is Right Live” is coming to the Bicentennial Center. According to the Bicentennial Center, contestants will have a chance to win a share of the more than $10 million in cash and fabulous prizes. Alongside a celebrity host, randomly-selected contestants will play favorite games like Plinko, Cliffhangers, The Big Wheel, and even the fabulous Showcase. Lucky audience members can even win prizes right from their seat. Generations of fans all across America have made The Price is Right Live the perfect family entertainment experience. The next contestant might be you, so come on down! Get early access by joining the cyber club: http://bit.ly/1zHLmgm Tickets for “The Price is Right Live” go on sale Friday, April 29th at 10:00am. The event is November 1st at the Bicentennial Center. — Ticket Prices:
- $31
- $41
- $51