Several Kansas counties sustained damages from a severe storm system that struck the state the evening of May 25. This includes damages from a tornado that touched down north of Solomon in northern Dickinson County and remained on the ground across Dickinson County for over an hour.
The tornado in Dickinson County destroyed eight homes with heavy damage to an additional 15-20 homes and farmsteads. The same storm also destroyed one home and another was heavily damaged in Ottawa County before the tornado entered the western side of Dickinson County. Damage was also reported to numerous barns and outbuildings. There was damage to numerous miles of power lines and a set of railroad tracks one mile west of Chapman sustained extensive damage, closing the tracks. No fatalities or serious injuries have been reported. There have also been reports of multiple power outages in the region.
Dickinson County has opened a phone bank for individuals interested in volunteering. Please call 785.263.4812 for details. At this time individuals are being asked to not self-deploy to the area.
Chapman Fire has requested 2-1-1 to set up virtual warehouse for large donations of trucks and trailers.
The Kansas Division of Emergency Management staff in the State Emergency Operations Center in Topeka continues to monitor storm activities across Kansas. Additional storms are predicted to move across Kansas starting during the afternoon/evening hours of Thursday, May 27 into Saturday, May 29.