A University of Kansas journalism professor is on leave, and facing criticism because of his Twitter post after the recent shootings in Washington, D.C., in which he says “blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters.”
David W. Guth, an associate professor of journalism, tweeted the comment in the aftermath of the Navy Yard shootings Monday that left people dead, including the assailant.
Timothy Caboni, vice chancellor for public affairs at Kansas, called the comment “repugnant.” Ann Brill, dean of journalism school, says Guth’s views don’t represent the university, which doesn’t advocate violence.
Guth says he wasn’t advocating violence, but was trying to make gun advocates see shootings from the point of view of the victims and their families.
Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little on Friday issued a statement regarding Associate Professor of Journalism David Guth.
“In order to prevent disruptions to the learning environment for students, the School of Journalism and the university, I have directed Provost Jeffrey Vitter to place Associate Professor Guth on indefinite administrative leave pending a review of the entire situation. Professor Guth’s classes will be taught by other faculty members,” Gray-Little said in the statement.