The Salina Police Department is promoting two longtime officers to the rank of Sergeant.
In a news release, Chief Brad Nelson has announced that Sean Furbeck and Gary Hanus will be promoted on Friday to Sergeant and assigned to the Patrol Division.
Furbeck is a 25-year veteran of SPD and has worked as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Traffic Unit Officer and Detective in the Criminal Investigation Division.
Hanus is a 23-year veteran of SPD who has worked as a Patrol Officer, SWAT team member, Detective in the Criminal Investigation Division, K9 Officer and Master Patrol Officer.
Captain Chris Trocheck tells KSAL News that the promotion means a pay raise for both officers.
Trocheck added that more promotions are coming this year inside the department because three, Salina Police Lieutenants are set to retire over the next six months.