The Salina Area United Way is halfway to its fund raising goal of $550 K.
According to the agency, they kicked off their annual campaign back on September 22, 2020 with the first ever hybrid model. The kick-off was a virtual/in-person 4-hour event that showcased all the agencies in the communities that have benefited from funding through the Salina Area United Way. In addition, individuals from companies that participate in workplace campaign and individual donors shared their reasons for supporting the Salina Area United Way. The goal of $550K was set for the 2020-2021 Annual Campaign.
“We have reached the half-way mark, $275K!” said Claire Mullen, Executive Director for Salina Area United Way. “We have to keep going to reach our goal of $550K. So many community partners are relying on us to hit that mark.”
If you have ever wondered what it would be like in a world without the Salina Area United Way keep this in mind.
- Over 400 people would not have eaten daily during the COVID shutdown because of St John’s Missionary Baptist Church.
- The Saline County Mounted Patrol would not have been able to purchase Personal Protective Equipment to make deliveries of meals and prescriptions to senior citizens in our community who could not leave their homes.
- 5 new licensed home daycare centers could not have been started without the help of Child Care Aware of Kansas.
- Salina Housing Authority could not have provided and advocated for affordable, safe living environments and opportunities for an additional 13 individuals and/or families working to become self-sufficient.
- Fewer children would have access to reading resources without programs like Raising Active Wild Readers and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
- The Salina Public Library would not have been able to increase the number of digital checkouts for library cardholders to help students and educators during the beginning stages of virtual learning due to COVID-19. Also, providing a greater number of materials and easier access to support parents with digital resources for children’s education
- The Saline County Department of Senior Services could not have provided dry commodities and daily essentials to seniors who are in the high-risk category for COVID-19.
- Highly trained 2-1-1 Contact Specialists would not be able to help callers access basic needs assistance, community resources, and financial stability programs.
- Individuals or families making $56,000 or less a year would not be able to get their taxes done for free through our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program which has more than 40 volunteers that participate.
To Donate to the Salina Area United Way
Mail Checks to:
Text 2020Campaign to 41444
Online at
For more information about the Salina Area United Way call 785.827.1312 or visit their website at