VIDEO: Bethany Celebrates 500 Years of Reformation

On Reformation Day, Oct. 31, the world and Bethany College commemorated the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther beginning the Protestant Reformation.

As a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the college community recognized the day by creating a Day of Service for Lindsborg. The Day of Service was facilitated by Student Development and Alumni Relations. Nearly 250 students, faculty, and staff participated at 20 work sites. Work sites were nominated by The Associated Churches of Lindsborg (T.A.C.O.L) and local businesses.

Bethany’s six core values include hospitality, community, servant leadership, and excellence.

The Bethany community chose service locations based on these core values. Service opportunities included many different types of service. One student group participated in trick-or-treating with Sprout House Learning Center. Class service sites sent postcards to senators advocating for mental health and veterans issues.

Other opportunities for service included painting, yard work, branch removal, and litter clean-up.

“Bethany College is committed to a strong relationship with the ELCA and the broader church. We are concerned with what students learn and who they become,” said President Will Jones. “Days like today provide our students with an opportunity to grow strong hearts for others and their local community.”

A special celebratory convocation service was conducted at 11:00 a.m. in the Bud Pearson Swedish Chapel that was broadcast live online. Dr. Tyler Atkinson, Dr. Arminta Fox, and Dr. Adam Pryor served as featured speakers, Pastor Amy Truhe offered a special blessing, and the Bethany College Chamber Choir performed.

Service opportunities were scheduled prior to or immediately after the convocation.


Story / Video from Bethany College


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