VIDEO: City of Salina Snow Report

City crews pretreated Salina streets with road salt and Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) brine beginning at noon Wednesday, January 5. Crews were activated again at 11:00 p.m. and began plowing operations with eight plow trucks and two motor graders at midnight. The photo at the bottom represents the subsequent six-hour period for City plow trucks clearing arterial and collector streets throughout Salina. Plow trucks also spread addition road salt with the MgCl2 brine.

The day shift will continue monitoring and addressing arterial and collector streets as needed and switch their focus to residential streets this morning. The night crew will then follow up with additional route maintenance on plowed streets and clear City parking lots. Once road route clearing operations conclude, crews will being picking up snow windrows downtown, if necessary.

The public is asked to continue allowing ample space when approaching snow removal equipment from behind, as the equipment will be distributing salt, which may cause limited visibility as snow is being removed from the roadway. Driving too closely to snow removal equipment could also present additional challenges and safety concerns for operators and other motorists.

For additional information on the storm or snow removal operations, please visit the City’s website at, the City’s Facebook page at or call the General Services office at (785) 309-5750.