Kansas officials are confirming the state’s first human case of West Nile virus of 2021. and its in Saline County.
CDC disease map shows that the West Nile case is in Saline County.
According to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the eastern two-thirds of the state is under a high risk of West Nile transmission from mosquitoes to humans.
West Nile symptoms range from a slight headache and low-grade fever to swelling of the brain or brain tissue and in rare cases, death.
Highlights this week:
• Northwest: Moderate risk due to greater than 40 Culex species mosquitoes trapped during this week and decreased average daily temperature over the previous two weeks.
• North Central: High risk due to greater than 40 Culex species mosquitoes trapped during this week and increased average daily temperature over the previous two weeks.
• Northeast: High risk due to greater than 40 Culex species mosquitoes trapped during this week and increased average daily temperature over the previous two weeks.
• Southwest: High risk due to greater than 40 Culex species mosquitoes trapped during this week and increased average daily temperature over the previous two weeks.
• South Central: High risk due to greater than 40 Culex species mosquitoes trapped during this week and increased average daily temperature over the previous two weeks.
• Southeast: Moderate risk due to greater than 40 Culex species mosquitoes trapped during this week and decreased average daily temperature over the previous two weeks.