Wichita falconer reunites with golden eagle

A Wichita falconer has been reunited with his golden eagle.

The Wichita EagleĀ  reports that Nate Mathews has been using birds of prey to hunt for the past decade. He took on the challenge of training a golden eagle named Isaiah in 2011.

But a few days before the first hunt, the bird escaped. About 18 months later, Mathews heard of a golden eagle that had been trying to kill chickens and was beaten when it was trapped inside an Arizona coop. The captured bird was Isaiah.

For much of this spring and summer, Mathews worked with Isaiah. Recently, Mathews made the two-hour drive to west of Lyons to test whether Isaiah would return or set off for parts unknown. Success. Isaiah returned to his handler every time.

Information from: The Wichita (Kan.) Eagle