Y Grab and Go Meals

The Salina Family YMCA is working to keep kids well fed while on winter break, with free nutrition-filled meals.

According to Marti Higdon, School Age Director at the Y, the Grab N’ Go meals will be available for ages 5-18 for free on a couple of upcoming days this month.

Each child will receive 7 days’ worth of lunches and snacks in meal kits that are kid-friendly, easy to prepare with instructions included.. Higdon says the seven day meal packs will be available from 4:00-6:00 PM on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 and also on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 from 4:00-6:00 PM.

Meals will be handed out on December 22 and 29th at the Campus Connection Building located at 1503 South 9th Street.

Register online for the food packs at  www.salinaymca.org